Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Bragging on tiger gems again!
You guys! I worked with TigerGems last year when I got my first engagement and wedding ring set from them. I was super blown away with their price point, the durability of the jewelry, the shipping time and the customer service it was an easy yes to work with them again. Tabitha has always been so easy to work with which is what you want when your picking out a special sentiment you get to carry on your hand everywhere with you. This time around I decided to pick out the 3ct oval solitaire ring and the half eternity band.
So ladies, have you ever looked down at your engagement ring and or wedding band and thought, if I had it my way I would of picked something else? That was me! My engagement ring was put together through hand me downs because let’s face it, real diamonds are expensive. All in all my set costs $3000 but still isn’t what I would have chosen. Personally I like the bigger stones!! Now here’s where Tiger Gems saved me! The affordable option where you can choose a larger size, the perfect cut and not spend over $1000!!! Now the question I get asked by all my girlfriends, does it hold up? YES!! You guys, I sleep, I shower, I cook, I clean. I do everything with my jewelry on and the ring has worn exactly how my real set would. Quality of course is everything in something you wear daily and they’ve nailed it!
Now I know there’s some of you out there who love your original set, but I’ve seen time and time again friends who wanted something different or something more but couldn’t afford it. For me I’d rather spend my money on a house or something for my family and it makes me so happy I can help friends do the same! I get to wear the perfect ring that looks like it cost me over $20,000 without actually having to spend that money!
Tabitha was nice enough to give me a discount code to share with you guys! You can use “HAUTE2019” at check out and get 15% off anything regualar priced!
How did you just have a baby?
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