Saturday, November 30, 2019
Baby Must Haves
I get asked all the time, what we’re the life saver products and must haves you got with your babies. Well most of you know Aidan came at 34 weeks so we didn’t exactly have everything we wanted for his arrival. In fact, we still don’t have his crib. He’s going on 5 months now and we’re still accumulating the things we need. One things for sure, as a first time mom with Avia. I thought I needed to have everything ahead of time and have this grand plan as to how everything would go. Although it’s helpful to have an idea, I’ve learned nothing goes according to plan and most importantly it’s OKAY if nothing goes according to plan. With Aidan, nothing went according to plan. I made had one hat, one hospital outfit I wanted him to wear and that’s it! When he came we just decided to be as relaxed as possible and get things as we needed them.
So here I want to share my must haves!
1. OWLET MONITOR: First and foremost, him being a premie I knew I wanted to get an owlet monitor. If you’ve never heard of these things, they basically make it very hard for your infant/baby to die of SIDS. I had a small shop friend loose her baby at 7 months so peace of mind is priceless you guys!! No parent should ever have to bury their child, I know tough subject! But honestly, I’d pay a lot to make sure that never happens. This is my most favorite baby product we own!!
2. MEBIE BABY SWADDLES + SPEARMINT BABY SWADDLES: after I picked out the decor and color theme I wanted to go with (black and white with hints of mustard and copper) I started looking around for a crib sheet and swaddles that would match. Not only do they have colors I needed but they have pink, dusty rose, vanilla and other colors that would work for a little girl!
3. GIGI + MAX KNOTTED GOWN: I never had any of these gowns for Avia but they make perfect sense with a tie bottom. Easy access to the diaper and still a full body suit to keep them warm. He fit in his gown for a long time being a premie. We just retired it last month with most of his newborn and 3 month clothes. They too have darling patterns for little girls!
4. RYAN & ROSE CUTIE PATS: Lindsey from Ryan and Rose has been a shop friend for quite some time, as her shop began to rapidly grow in the last few years she came out with her very own products, all must haves for babies in your life! My favorite; the Cutie Pat (a tether and pacifier all in one) became an easy add to our list. They have different styles for babies with and without teeth and even a flat nipple style for babies who don’t like the rounded ones. Not all babies are pacifier takers but it’s better to have a few waiting on their arrival. If not, they happen to make perfect gifts!
5. BABY CARRIER (Ergo 360 + Boba wrap): I definitely recommend having a baby carrier of some sort! We actually have quite a few. A few were bought and a few gifted. For the infant stage we had a baby bijorn, infantino and boba wrap. I bought a Tula baby carrier when Avia was in her toddler stage so we have that waiting for Aidan when he gets a little bigger. I had a friend give me the Ergo 360 which I heard from friends was a must have because it allows baby to face forward and back!! Game changer! If I had to recommend one it would definitely be the ERGO 360 because it accommodates all stages of baby; front, back, infant and toddler.
Some other must haves not shown in the photo above;
- Milk Snob car seat cover
- Graco car seats
- NoseFrida Snot Sucker
So many of these shops have sales going on right now! Hope you’re able to take advantage of some of them! Xo
- Cara
How did you just have a baby?
This is me one month after having baby Aidan. I know it sounds kind of cliche hearing someone say, it was using a product consistently ev...

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